Thursday, May 22, 2003

Two dreams. One too disturbing for this blog, but the other was pretty fun.

... I get off the plane, and am introduced to my Internal Translators team. They've all been fitted with masks that perform the neccessary audio and visual translation. One of the Internal Translators remarks to me that she's happy to be on the project, because the car accident left her face mangled, and she'd been out of work for a long time.

We're lead to our first testing room, where we have to assemble a shuttle craft from the components present. After a rocky start, and much politics, we finally get a system together and start assembling the shuttle craft....

Monday, May 19, 2003

This is a long one.

.. Down the dark road I drive, and notice a group of people standing, blocking the road on a small bridge with a jacknifed semi near it. I can barely see them, but there's something wrong with them. They're not waving at me to help them, they're not moving out of the way. They're just staring at me, as I approach.

I go faster. Something's wrong here.

More and more people seem to be infected now. They've become distant and slow. I've hidden my self with two of my friends, and we've managed to evade the hunters so far. "They're looking for movement.." I say to Alan as he pulls aside the curtain to look outside - drawing the attention of the hunters.

We must be resistant, or special to the Hive somehow. Some guys from the Air Force, or Nasa, or something came to take us away after the hunters captured us. They're not infected.

As we travel to the government base, we learn that our captors are afraid of what's happening too. And just as powerless. Those infected by the Hive are everywhere now, and their faces are getting puffier, eyes beadier, nose flattening, grin widening.

We enter the base, and learn why we have been spared. The initial infection came from a spacewalk, and Patient Zero is in the final stages of his change. His puffed flesh sheds, and reveals a gossamer being, insectile. But it is not made for this place. The gravity of earth crushes it before it's exoskeleton can solidify, it's huge saillike wings, only nanometers thick, clump into useless piles of tissue. It's dead within moments.

We have been spared because we are needed. We have the creativity and drive to build the ships, corral the infected of Earth - the new members of the Hive - on board, and make sure that they emerge in the vacuum of space, their natural habitat.

This is the last task for humanity. We, the Spared, are all males. We will be the midwives for that which exterminated our race.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Last night...

.. I was in a large white junction between long white hallways, and at the center of the junction, I would teleport - 3 inches forward - to other hallways. I commented to some of my friends in the dream about the fact that if you turn around after you teleport, and look at the light in just the right way, you can watch a shell of skin oil (which wasn't teleported) shaped just like yourself slowly collapse to the floor. They were not impressed, and asked me to quit making the "Whoop!" and "Barmm" noises during the otherwise silent teleport process.

.. I was on a political prison on Pluto, where everyone had to wear a red fez with a gold cord and talk in an outrageous Turkish accent.

Sunday, May 11, 2003

I normally just post my dreams, but this page was too gosh-darned funny: Why The Apple Machintosh Is A Tool Of The Satanic Evolutionists.

Wait till they find out about Linux, eh?

Thursday, May 08, 2003

.. I was staring at my thumb. And I realized I was dreaming, and stared closely looking at it to see how accurate my dream-memory of my thumb was to my real thumb...

.. I stood outside my longhouse, looking deeply into the sky, red with aurora, and waited for Thor to strike his hammer in the night and, when the lightning flashed, show me which direction to take on my quest...

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Neat dream stuff:

.. as I was working on the house I had just purchased (old victorian mansion), a friend and I were at the rear shed, where there was an old clockwork steam heating system. As I was repairing it, I had a very disturbing conversation with the previous owner's incomplete lab creation, a "Frankenstein" like creature with no top part of his skull (brains exposed and very misshapen) that was snacking away on chucks of (human?) flesh...

.. Professor Farnsworth (of Futurama fame) was discussing with Dorothy how "In your world, you can't see the Emerald city until you have the poppy seeds"...

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Long stretch with nothing to report, I know, but here's what you've been missing...

.. I swerve to avoid him, but the man in the green flannel shirt came out of the woods like a man fleeing for his life. I couldn't stop soon enough, and thunk, thunk, he's dead. (Camera now replays the scene from many angles - there's no way I could have avoided him.) I look into the woods, and see, shrouded in darkness, the Moose-Fish - body of a moose, head of a fish!

... I'm driving along a snow covered road in LA (the state, not the city), near my father's house. It's very hard to keep on the road, as a very fast crosswind keeps pushing the car to the side of the road. Oddly, camera is from above the car, although "I" am inside the car.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Distressing dream last night...

I was convinced that I had, a few months ago, bought a used Cooper Mini (dark blue) from some nere-do-well couple, and had totally forgotten about it: I had left it, parked, next to their house. I woke up convinced that I still needed to pay them the remaining $10,000 USD that I owned them, and yet, even though I knew it was a dream, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had forgotten something really really important....

I wish I knew what it was.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

.. so I parked the space shuttle on a small asteroid (which, oddly enough, was 1g and had collected an atmosphere and a few plants) and took a rest break. After staring up at the dark night of space and chatting with my miner buddies for a few moments, we noticed some streaks of light... Meteors! Quickly, we hurried into our suits, and got back on the shuttle...

.. the really big house ... when I was 13 ... swimming at the party ... forgot to bring swimming trunks, but my aunt gave me a loaner pair ... ugly as sin, everyone snickering ... dive in, shorts fall off ... no one noticed ...

Huh. Only remember bits and pieces of it. And, again, it never happened. One of they days I'll have a dream about something that did happen in my life. Hopefully.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Jim Carrey entered my dreamspace last night. I dreamt that I was watching a "movie" (more like immersive 3D smell/taste/touch-o-vision) in which Jim played a father driven to madness by the death of his wife and daughter. All throughout the dream, he would talk to his dead daughter, usually sitting next to him in his truck. At the end of the dream, a police inspector/priest followed him to a playground (police inspector? Maybe. All the school kids referred to him by the title "Our Father"). At the playground, Jim's character was found dead of a heart attack - he had just seen a girl that looked like his dead daughter.

(Anyone who wants to turn this into a screenplay, go ahead.)

In another dream, I was a male nurse giving an old political boss some sort of radiation therapy, which involved standing in a room, putting on some sort of amulet as protection from the gamma radiation, and flicking a switch. 10 seconds later, everything in the room "died". The air became instantly stale, even the water tasted "dead". It was really weird.

Funny stuff.

Monday, March 31, 2003

More soldier dreams..

Last night, I dreamed that I was a Allied soldier in WWII, a radio operator (Funker Vogt!), and my entire platoon had been decimated by the German troops. I lay quietly in the (warm?!) snow, no sidearm within reach, as the German soldiers walked around our radio shed.

An officer came over, and shot at me, but appeared to have completely missed me. They called over to a cleanup crew, and carried me (still play-acting as if I was dead), over to a ditch.

.. then, I was in a MASH unit, and Klinger was commenting on how cleverly I had escaped the slaughter, and pointed to my one wound, a slight bullet graze on my leg. Segway to...

... I was selling vaccuum tubes to some old guy, and he wanted to use them for scrap glass. I wouldn't part with them, as I know that someone, somewhere needed the old tubes.

There were a couple more, but they faded in the shower...

Friday, March 28, 2003

Wacky dream last night....

I dreamt I was a soldier in the Iraqi desert, with an exterior narration going on about how heroic it all was, which, as I neared an oasis, segwayed into...

.. a bizzare nature documentary about a small country where beautiful women were so idolized that the men had sex with animals (insert graphic imagery here) because they didn't want to "taint" the fairer sex, which, as the forest deepened, segwayed into...

.. a bizzare scene where Adonis men were making love to the ugliest women they could find, due to a similar cultural more, which, as I neared a building in the swamp, went all "Barbarella" on me...

.. so, my view moves into that of Barbarella, who has just fallen into the "Fatal Beauty Salon", (it even had a theme song!), and a bizzare meat-grinder type of thing was trying to "process" her (me?)... And just as all the evil cutting blades descended... Barbarella pops out a chute and end up in an amazingly comfy chair next to the female villian behind the Fatal Beauty Salon.

Here, I wake up.

I think I just might have a few issues with women. Maybe.

Friday, March 21, 2003

More strange dreams. This one focused on a large, shallow lake, with a high mountin nearby. Some sort of airshow was going on, and many unusually designed boat/planes landed in the lake.

One of the most unusual was a biplane delta-wing design, with some sort of red and blue corporate logo on it. It looked as if it was going to craash into one of the high surrounding peaks, then artfully swerved to avoid the collision...

And then, a Brinks truck pulled up next to me (in the lake!) and started to unload into an underwater vault. I remember thinking "It would be so easy to place underwater mines next to the vault where the Brinks driver couldn't see them..."...


So, we're in war mode now. I'm very conflicted about this conflict. I think we (the USA) are making a huge mistake going into the conflict without UN sanctions, but at the same time I'm begining to believe that the ousting of Saddam is justified.

I just wish our CIA assassination squads were competent.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Wacky dream last night. I dreamed that I was taking this young girl to her high school prom, like I did every year (evidently I stayed at a hotel near the prom due to an annual business trip), so that her parents would think that she was going out with me - the nice guy, when in reality she was going there to see this total sleazoid jock.

Oddly enough, the sleazoid jock was hiding in my room under my dirty clothes while I slept.

Bizzare stuff. I don't know any such person, I haven't been to a prom since high school, and I don't have annual business trips.

Sometime I think dreams are when your alternate reality selves wash over your unconcious mind.

Thursday, March 13, 2003

What? Another set of dream shards? Surely you jest...

  1. My coworker "Spud" was working on my computer (in my father's old house) and had screwed it up. The case was off, parts were dangling everywhere, and every boot it seem to eat more of the hardware . Literally. Pieces would disappear every boot. So Spud says "Well, just shoot me.", and I start assembling his plastic sniper rifle (black and red flimsy kid's-pop-pistol plastic). The french maid popped by to console me on my loss of a machine...

  2. So I'm driving along a bluff, and I see this yellow car drive off the side of the bluff into the ... swamp. I think it was a swamp... Anyway. I continue driving along, pass by a small hill, and SWOOSH! - a big matte black customized car hurtles over my head and lands with a big THWAP next to me. I pull my car over to ask the driver if he's ok, and suddenly he and his firends (where did they come from) start throwing water balloons at me. Oddly, they don't break on impact. It was the most good natured water balloon fight with perfect strangers I'd ever had (or dreamed about)...

  3. All topped off with a nice 3 minutes of nearly incomprehensible gibberish from a high school female friend (who I can't remember the name of) about her dad's fishing experiences and the Important Life Lessions© he learned from them.

So my company (Linuxcare, Inc.) is about two days away from releasing the next (MR1) version of Levanata to sales, and it's shaping up to a solid release. We're hard pressed to find any bugs in the product, even though we have a raft of automated test running against it 24/7. Yeah us!

Persistent thought: Should I join a gym? There's one not a block from where I live, and as soon as MR1 is released, I'm going to have a ton of time on my hands. Sounds like a great fit with the wonderful weather we've been having... Maybe I can get in good enough shape by X-Day to walk around without a shirt on. Pale And Doughy -> Tan And Buff. Would be nice.

And my ex-girlfriend called again last night. She's definately waiting for me to make some sort of move. I just want to be friends (I know, I know... The Phrase Of Doom...), and I think she doesn't realize that I still have a lot of issues to work out before I'm ready for any relationship above the level of social drinking buddies.

Till tomorrow, enjoy life.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

More dream shards...
  • The queen of black ants and the queen of white ants were trying to convince me to join their respective colonies...

  • My friends pinned me down and admonished me for missing my dental appointment...

My ex-girlfriend called me last night. We talked for a bit, then she seemed to lose interest in the conversation rapidly. I think she was waiting for me to say something.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Last night I had a dream about inserting boxes into a large wall of boxes. I had to insert them in pairs. Strange sillyness, eh?

Well, it looks like Unicorn Jelly is finally winding down. We're now on the Epilogue of the story, and I wonder how Jennifer Reitz is going to fill her time now... (If you go to the Unicorn Jelly site, click on the "dot links" at the bottom of the main page. Plenty of weird stuff there.)

Thinking of Unicorn Jelly, what's with all the furry action? Do furries like "edgy fluffy bunny" stuff in general, or what? I dunno, not being into "the fur" myself... I like Unicorn Jelly for the sci-fi bit.

Eh hem...


There. That's taken care of. Can't do anything on the web thses days without the obligitory "First Post". Ah, I remember the halcyon days of my youth, when Mosiac was the browser of choice (on the only machine that would run it - a NeXT box) at Carnegie Mellon. 1992. Seems so far away, and yet so close to my heart.

If you're bored go to memepool. Run by Josh, an old college buddy of mine.