Thursday, April 11, 2013

North Korea's Nuclear 'Accident'

North Korea is, as of this writing, setting up a missile to firing position.

I predict a few things about this:

  1. It will be fired.
  2. There will be a nuclear detonation after the missile is fired.
  3. The nuclear detonation will not be from a device attached to the missile, but North Korea will claim that it was.
  4. The detonation will be near the border with South Korea, on the North Side - prevailing winds will push the radioactive cloud into the east coastal North Korean mountains, with some minor amount trailing to Japan and South Korea.
  5. North Korea will claim that the missile was sabotaged by the CIA (or some other US Spook Agency), and they will appeal to the international community for humanitarian aid and cleanup.

As far as I can tell, this is the only logical sequence of events for North Korea.

Therefore, I must be wrong.

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